rusting that the transport process will run smoothly, you hand over your shipments to us. You expect proper execution and punctual delivery – load securing, monitoring and accessibility are essential cornerstones of our transport service. Since the introduction of our quality management, we have created a level of quality that consistently stands for smooth processing of forwarding services. The uncovered potentials in operational processing lead to an improvement in the entire process chain.
We pass these advantages on to our customers directly and continuously through our work processes. The satisfaction of our customers is the basis for our actions and a benchmark for our performance.
Our awareness of meeting the high requirements of the DIN ISO 9001 standard is reflected in our claim to see every handling of a direct or special trip as a perfect service and a challenge.
he international environmental management standard ISO 14001 defines globally recognized requirements for an environmental management system – these include life cycle assessments, environmental indicators and environmental performance assessments. Operational environmental protection is an indispensable aspect for every future-oriented company. Our integrated quality and environmental management system with ISO 14001 certification is the basis of our daily efforts to ensure quality, delivery reliability and customer satisfaction, which represent the measurable values of our company.
With the regular review of the set goals and our environmental management system, we not only want to achieve continuous improvement, but also express our commitment to the responsible and sustainable use of resources against the background of economic aspects in order to ensure a noticeable reduction in environmental and consumption costs.
aking operational risks recognizable, reducible and manageable for all employees: This is the guiding principle of the globally recognized occupational safety standard OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System).
This certificate is an internationally recognized document that gives employees, customers and interested third parties the certainty that GIGA GmbH systematically takes care of the health and safety of its employees.
OHSAS 18001 includes a complete set of management requirements to improve employee health and safety.
The certificate was awarded to us by the accredited certification body BVQI. In order to control this improvement process effectively, constant tests and recertifications by the BVQI certification body and our QMB ensure that our health and safety system meets all requirements and is carried out on all business processes.